Guesthous VS. Bed and Breakfast in Fredericksburg TX
Accommodations listed as traditional bed and breakfasts in Fredericksburg TX generally have the owner living in the house and providing a sit-down breakfast, either served family-style or delivered to your door. Guesthouses are more common. Guesthouse accommodations may or may not include a Continental Breakfast, a full kitchen, or other amenities. The homeowner generally does not live on the property, and you will often have an entire home to yourself.
At Gästehaus Schmidt, we are pleased to offer a wide selection of guesthouses in the top Texas Hill Country communities. Enjoy privacy during your Texas Hill Country vacation by booking one of these rental properties today!
Please remember you are not staying in a hotel with room service, maids, or repairmen on duty. Should a failure occur in the utilities, television, V.C.R., etc., please contact the owner or manager of the property. Gästehaus Schmidt does not manage, clean, or repair the homes we represent. We will provide you the appropriate contact information. However, your charges will not be refunded.
After many requests, we have posted the addresses of the properties on the website. Please remember that we will send a confirmation with a map that includes the key arrangements. The key arrangements are not included on the site. Your GPS device may not give you the correct directions to the address, particularly if it is a rural address. The map we send is guaranteed to be correct.
We send maps by email. Some email providers block our emails. Please check your junk mail folder.
If you have made a group reservation under one name, we will only release information about the house to the person who made the reservation. Please make sure everyone within your party has a copy of the map we mail you. Gästehaus Schmidt will not be responsible if you or any of your party does not receive directions to their accommodation.